Nailing Your Zoom Audition/Callback: 5 Tips for Actors

In the digital age, the world of auditions has undergone a significant transformation. Zoom auditions/callbacks have become the new norm, providing actors with a convenient platform to showcase their talent from the comfort of their own homes. However, ensuring a successful Zoom audition requires more than just turning on your camera and reading your lines. Here are some essential tips for actors to ace their Zoom auditions. 

1. Maintain Separate Sight Lines: One of the key challenges in a Zoom audition is maintaining appropriate sight lines. It's important to replicate the experience of being in the same room as your scene partner, even if they're miles away. If speaking directly to camera,  make sure your webcam is at eye level. Pro Tip: Use colored tape or PostIt Notes to mark your sight lines around your webcam or reader. 

2. Pin the Video of Your Reader: Zoom allows you to pin a specific video feed, which can be incredibly helpful during auditions. Pin your reader's video to your screen so that their image remains visible even as others speak or your audition panel gives feedback. This ensures you can maintain a strong connection with your scene partner and react to their cues effectively. 

3. Perfect Your Lighting and Background: Lighting and background are essential components of a professional Zoom audition. Natural, diffused lighting is your best friend, so position yourself facing a window or use studio light soft boxes to create a natural light feel to your audition. Additionally, opt for a clean, clutter-free background that won't distract from your performance. A blank wall or a neutral, unobtrusive backdrop is ideal.

4. Use a Computer Over a Phone: While many of us are accustomed to using smartphones for video calls, it's advisable to use a computer for Zoom auditions whenever possible. A computer generally provides a more stable connection and flexibility when it comes to arranging your setup. This can be crucial to delivering a seamless audition and making a lasting impression. Pro Tip: Get a projector stand/tripod so that you can move your computer up and down as needed for your audition. You always want your camera to be eye level

5. Embrace Being in Your Body: To project authenticity and emotional depth through a screen, it's vital to stay connected to your own body. There is going to be a lot of technical things going through your mind when you are Zooming. But don’t forget, this is still an on-camera audition and you need to be connected to your voice, body and emotion. Remember that your physicality and presence are still very much part of the audition. Focus on maintaining good posture (if the role calls for it), breathing deeply, and feeling grounded. Being centered in your body helps you exude confidence and control.

Remember, in the world of Zoom auditions, preparation is key. Rehearse your lines, familiarize yourself with the platform, and test your setup well in advance. Additionally, ensure you have a backup plan in case of technical issues, such as a power outage or internet connectivity problems. 

While Zoom auditions may lack the in-person energy and connection, they offer actors a valuable opportunity to showcase their talent from anywhere in the world. By maintaining separate sight lines, pinning your reader's video, optimizing your lighting and background, using a computer, and grounding yourself, you can maximize your chances of delivering a standout performance!

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Robyn Coffin and Vagabond School


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