Welcome to the Community

We’re so glad to be planning community events again! Stay tuned for upcoming activities and check out our latest event, The Gathering. Join our newsletter and follow us on social for the latest updates!

2019 beach cleanup event

2019 beach cleanup event

Vagabonds Volunteer

At Vagabond, we believe that as artists, one of the best things we can do for ourselves is use our empathy for the betterment of others.

We organize events and opportunities to volunteer throughout the year. Are you an artist with a flexible schedule who wants to change Chicago (and the world?) for the better? Join us.

Community Events

It’s more than a school... Vagabond is a community. Part of Our Mission is to create a supportive environment and enrich the lives of artists.

From The Gathering, to Meditation, to social events, we are here to holistically support the creative lifestyle. Because when we care for the mind, body, and spirit, we can truly thrive as artists.

Just happy friends, seeing plays

Just happy friends, seeing plays

Play of the Month Club

Love seeing plays but wish you had more people to share them with? Join the club! No really! Vagabond's Play of the Month Club! Each month we pick a play or musical we've been DYING to see and make it happen. We find great plays at a great price and all you have to do is sign up. Join us for every show or whenever you have a free spot in your schedule.